Thursday, September 13, 2012

Benefits of sleep

Benefits of sleep are numerous, starting from improving your mood and your appearance but it also has health benefits. Sleep is very important for a healthy lifestyle. Pay the right attention to sleep for an overall wellness.

Read below some health benefits of sleep:

benefits of sleep

1. Improve memory

When you are sleeping, our mind is busy and you can strength memories or practice skills learned during daytime. This process is called consolidation. So if you are trying to learn something, it will be better and simpler after a good sleep.

2. Lower stress

Sleep and stress are strongly related together and both can affect heart health. No stress means a balanced blood pressure and a smaller risk of heart stroke. These are all due to a qualitative an enough sleep.

3. Balance your weight

You can control your weight with a good sleep. According to dieticians, people who are sleep deprived are more likely to gain weight. This is because the level of two hormones that control appetite (leptin and ghrelin) change with sleeping. So if you want to start a new diet, start with your sleep firs to achieve your goal.

4. Encourage creativity

If you are an artist, you make songs, or a painter, or a stage manager, you have to be creative and have new ideas. If you want to do something well, do it tomorrow morning after a good night sleep. According to studies, people seem to strengthen emotional components of a memory during sleep, which may help to stimulate your creativity.

5. Improve your grades

This is especially about children between 10-16 years. Having sleep disorders, difficulty on breathing can lead to no concentration on lessons and consequently to lower grades. Take care of your kids sleep and don’t forget yours.

Besides these benefits of sleep there are a lot of others that we will talk about another time. But start to sleep well from today.

Good night friends!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree sleep is very important for a healthy lifestyle. Everyone should pay the right attention to sleep for an overall wellness.back pain and neck pain


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