Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Back in shape after Christmas and New Year

Usually during holidays or special occasions like Christmas or New Year is normal overdoing and indulging. Maybe eating non healthy for few days will not get a big change but if its repeated you need some weeks to get back in shape.
Don’t feel guilty for that, don’t be stressful or frustrated, it’s time to get to your regular routine and for 14 days you will get the wanted results.
back in shape

Follow these simple steps:

Drink more water

It’s very important to stay hydrated. Water helps to flush out toxins and excess sodium and helps in digestive process.  It’s also proved that drinking water can curb your appetite. Aim for at least 2 liters of water per day.

No Alcohol

Its normal that during feast period everyone lets themselves to consume wine, champagne or other alcoholic drinks. Alcohol does not have any nutrition value, it just add empty calories to body that are hard do digest. Stay away from alcohol for a while and you will see the results. 

Increase protein intake

There is no result if balanced diet is not combined with physical activity. If you aim to lose fat but not muscle mass you must maintain your lean muscle mass. Foods high in proteins are lean meat, fish, dairy, nuts and seeds. Increase your protein intake and you will feel better and satisfied with changes. 

Don’t blame yourself

Often eating unhealthy food or overeating makes you feel guilty. You are on the position to give up but don’t do it. If you lost one meal it doesn’t mean you failed, you are in time to get right back on track. Remember stress can ruin tour motivation and increase your hungry sense. Think positively and be optimistic about what you can do with your body.

Avoid the scale

Sometimes what your scale says might stress you out. It’s good to know your weight but don’t expect a huge change after few days. Instead of getting on the scale, focus on your goals and your healthy lifestyle. When you really see changes on your body on your clothes than you can get on the scale. Even one kg is a success. 


A healthy lifestyle is not focused only in what you eat, its strongly related with physical activity. Exercising helps both your body and mind. Mix cardio workout with strength training. Do what you love most, walking, dancing, hiking or just go to gym. Stay motivated because your sweat will worth.

P.S don’t forget to get enough sleep 

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